Source code for wehrdj.ingest.colony

Ingest the colony database into datajoint

.. todo::

    Still need to add the rest of the genotyping and litter information.

import pandas as pd
from pathlib import Path

from element_animal import subject

from wehrdj.ingest.utils import col_to_datetime, filter_nans

    'Unnamed: 0': 'subject',
    'Sex': 'sex',
    'DOB': 'subject_birth_date',
    "Date Sac'd": "death_date",
    'Protocol': 'protocol'
Mapping between values in our database and names in the datajoint model

[docs]class MouseDB(pd.DataFrame): """Trivial subtype of dataframe to indicate this is a mouse db dataframe"""
[docs]def load_mouse_db(path:Path) -> MouseDB: """ Load the mouse database from a .csv export of the "Mice" sheet from the colony database Args: path (:class:`pathlib.Path`): The path of the csv exported from google sheets Returns: :class:`.MouseDB` """ df = MouseDB(pd.read_csv(path)) # rename columns df = df.rename(columns=MOUSE_DB_MAP) # reformat date columns to strings df['subject_birth_date'] = col_to_datetime(df['subject_birth_date']) df['death_date'] = col_to_datetime(df['death_date']) df['subject'].str.zfill(4) return df
[docs]def insert_subjects(mousedb:MouseDB): """ Insert the loaded subject database into the datajoint database. :func:`wehrdj.connect` must have already been called. Args: mousedb (:class:`.MouseDB`): the loaded mouse database """ mousedb = mousedb[['subject', 'sex', 'subject_birth_date']] # filter nans mousedb = filter_nans(mousedb) subject.Subject.insert(mousedb, skip_duplicates=True)