Source code for wehrdj.interface.interface

Tools for ingesting data into a datajoint database.

Model a datajoint schema, tagging properties of the model as needed

from abc import ABC, abstractmethod
import typing
from typing import Dict, Any, Optional

from datajoint_babel.model.table import Table
from datajoint_babel.model.attribute import Dependency
from wehrdj.exceptions import ValidationError

if typing.TYPE_CHECKING:
    from datajoint.user_tables import UserTable
    from datajoint.connection import Connection

[docs]class SchemaInterface: """ Metaclass for making interfaces from existing data structures to datajoint schema. To use: * Assign the relevant schema as a ``schema`` class attribute * Write code to either assign values from your particular data structure as attributes or properties with the same names as the fields in the database * Connect and hopefully it will be able to insert your row! For an example, see :class:`~wehrdj.ingest.session.Session` """ _fields: Dict[str, Any] = dict() """ The properties and attributes marked as fields to be inserted into the model """ def __init__(self): self._table = None @property @abstractmethod def schema(self) -> 'UserTable': """ The schema that this class models. (Should be overridden as a class attribute rather than a property, this is just how the abc interface works) """ @property def name(self) -> str: """ Name of this schema (gotten from the schema's __name__ attr) Returns: str """ return self.schema.__name__ @property def table(self) -> Table: """ The abstract representation of the datajoint model in the :attr:`~datajoint.Schema.definition` eg. for session:: Table( name='Session', tier='Manual', comment=None, keys=[ Dependency(dependency='Subject'), Attribute( name='session_datetime', datatype=DJ_Type(datatype='datetime', args=3, unsigned=False), comment='', default=None ) ], attributes=[] ) Returns: :class:`~datajoint_babel.model.table.Table` """ if self._table is None: self._table = Table.from_definition(, definition=self.schema.definition) return self._table @property def field_names(self) -> typing.List[str]: """ List of fields that must be defined for this schema Returns: list[str] = list of field names """ fields = [] t_fields = self.table.keys if self.table.attributes is not None: t_fields.extend(self.table.attributes) for field in t_fields: if isinstance(field, Dependency): fields.extend(field.resolve_keys()) else: fields.append( return fields @property def field_values(self) -> typing.Dict[str, typing.Any]: """ Values that have been given, either as attrs or properties, for all the items in the schema Returns: dict[str, Any] """ return { k:getattr(self, k) for k in self.field_names }
[docs] def validate(self) -> bool: """ Validate that all the required fields of this schema have been provided Returns: bool: ``True`` if they have all been declared """ return all([field in self.__dict__.keys() for field in self.field_names])
[docs] def insert(self, **kwargs): """ Insert this schema entry into the table. You must have already called :func:`wehrcj.connect` or else datajoint will prompt you. Args: **kwargs: passed on to :meth:`~datajoint.user_tables.UserTable.insert` Raises: :class:`wehrdj.exceptions.ValidationError` if contents failed to validate """ if not self.validate(): raise ValidationError('Missing required field!') self.schema.insert(self.field_values, **kwargs)